We report the case of a 43-year-old woman who developed multiple cranial nerve palsy, the symptoms of which included hyposmia, visual loss, facial hypoesthesia, facial weakness, dysphagia, gustatory disturbance, and sensory disturbance of the trunk and ulnar side of the bilateral arms. The clinical features included swelling of the bilateral hilar lymph nodes, uveitis, an elevated serum angiotensin-converting enzyme level, and negative tuberculin reactions, which led to a diagnosis of neurosarcoidosis. Her symptoms improved after administration of steroids. An elevated cerebrospinal fluid cell count and protein level, a low-frequency F-wave and slightly decreased sensory nerve action potentials in bilateral ulnar nerves by nerve conduction studies, and normal findings in the spine by magnetic resonance imaging suggested that truncal hypoesthesia was caused by polyradiculopathy. Although rare, in patients with neurosarcoidosis, truncal polyradiculopathy is noteworthy findings in addition to cranial nerve palsy.