Purpose: Immediate loading of dental implants inserted into fresh postextraction sites has recently been proposed as a novel but challenging surgical approach. However, histological evidence and comparative data are still missing. The aim of this study was an histological and histomorphometrical comparison of submerged and immediately loaded dental implants with a new modified acid etched surface inserted into postextraction sites of nonhuman primates.
Materials and method: Thirty-two implants were placed in postextraction sockets of 4 adult Chacma Baboons (papio ursinus). Each baboon received 8 implants: 4 submerged and 4 immediately loaded. The implants were retrieved after 90 days of healing with a 4-mm trephine bur and processed for histology and histomorphometry.
Results: The bone-to-implant contact percentage in the submerged and immediate loaded implants was 86.02% and 86.85%, respectively, with no statistically significant differences. In the immediately loaded implants a greater amount of ongoing remodeling was observed.
Conclusions: Immediate loading seemed to be a valid alternative to conventional technique when a implant is inserted into postextraction sockets. Further comparative studies on a greater number of samples are necessary to confirm our findings.