Triad of bladder agenesis with solitary kidney and ectopic ureter

Indian J Urol. 2008 Oct;24(4):566-8. doi: 10.4103/0970-1591.44271.


The bladder agenesis is an extremely rare congenital genitourinary anomaly; only 60 cases have been reported in the English literature and only 19 of these were noted in viable neonates.[1] Our case represents the 20th live birth with bladder agenesis. The triad of bladder agenesis with solitary kidney and ectopic ureter is seldom compatible with life due to associated anomalies.[23] Successful treatment and the long-term prognosis are usually poor because of the associated abnormalities. In our case, function of left solitary kidney was good and child did not have associated life-threatening disorder. Hence child was successfully managed with continent urinary diversion with good quality of life.

Keywords: Bladder agenesis; continent urinary diversion; ectopic ureter; solitary kidney.

Publication types

  • Case Reports