Pyruvate kinase from ascites tumour cells can be eluted from phosphocellulose by very low concentrations of phosphoenolpyruvate, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, adenosine 5'-diphosphate and pyrophosphate, respectively. The appropriate limiting conditions for "facilitated desorption" of the enzyme from phosphocellulose by these ligands have been elaborated for achieving maximum selectivity and recovery in the process of its purification. This method has been designated as "affinity elution chromatography" owing to the specific interactions between a ligand as a constituent of the eluting medium with the adsorbed enzyme, which causes its selective desorption from the ion-exchanger. Affinity elution with phosphoenolpyruvate has been found to be very effective for preparation of the M-types of pyruvate kinase. A specific activity of 420 for an almost homogeneous preparation of pyruvate kinase from ascites tumour cells has maximally been obtained.