Radiological pitfalls in patients with inducible dynamic proptosis

Open Ophthalmol J. 2008 May 5:2:91-3. doi: 10.2174/1874364100802010091.


We report two patients presenting with marked clinical unilateral enophthalmos who had positional variability and dynamic proptosis on valsalva. On orbital imaging, enophthalmos was not documented and in fact, globe proptosis of the same side was reported for one of the patients. During CT and MRI scanning patients are often instructed to hold their breath to eliminate motion artefact. This may inadvertently induce dynamic proptosis. The radiological pitfalls of imaging patients with inducible dynamic proptosis and how to identify such patients are discussed.

Keywords: CT; MRI; dynamic; proptosis; valsalva..