Electrically and mechanically induced long period gratings in liquid crystal photonic bandgap fibers

Opt Express. 2007 Jun 25;15(13):7901-12. doi: 10.1364/oe.15.007901.


We demonstrate electrically and mechanically induced long period gratings (LPGs) in a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) filled with a high-index liquid crystal. The presence of the liquid crystal changes the guiding properties of the fiber from an index guiding fiber to a photonic bandgap guiding fiber - a so called liquid crystal photonic bandgap (LCPBG) fiber. Both the strength and resonance wavelength of the gratings are highly tunable. By adjusting the amplitude of the applied electric field, the grating strength can be tuned and by changing the temperature, the resonance wavelength can be tuned as well. Numerical calculations of the higher order modes of the fiber cladding are presented, allowing the resonance wavelengths to be calculated. A high polarization dependent loss of the induced gratings is also observed.