Introduction: The population of Guadalajara traditionally has consumed a Mediterranean diet with the typical variations of the central zone of the peninsula, but the acquisition of erroneous habits of life they can be translated, specially in the young people, in a not healthful nourishing conducts.
Objective: To evaluate the quality of the diet, by means of an index of healthy nourishment (IAS) and percentage of adhesion to the Mediterranean diet (% ADM), of a teen population (n = 467) and their relation with different physiological parameters and sociodemográficos.
Method: A nutritional study has been realized on the quality of the diet in a teen population of Guadalajara of 467 young people (12-17 years) by means of questionnaires of frequency of consumption of seven days. Likewise, there has determined the ingestion of nutrients and the index of healthy nourishment (IAS) using the program of nutrition DIAL(c).
Results: The results show that the average of the population takes a diet with an acceptable IAS (62.78), though with trend towards low qualities, with high ingestions of saturated fats (38.90 +/- 6.58 g), cholesterol (384.69 +/- 74.24 mg) and sodium (3,395.43 +/-729.57 mg). Respect to % MDA there has been obtained an average value of 42.86 +/- 15.52%. These values differ depending on the age (improves with the age), the sex (better quality of the diet consumed by the girls). Likewise, all the factors sociodemográficos and the way of life considered, they influence the quality indicators used.