Background and study aims: Double-balloon enteroscopy (DBE) has been suggested to be more efficient if based on the results of screening video capsule endoscopy (VCE). We evaluated the utility of VCE for predicting the best insertion route of DBE for the evaluation and treatment of small-bowel lesions.
Patients and methods: Results of studies of patients with complete VCE examination of the small bowel and with findings confirmed by DBE are reported. A location index of lesions found on VCE was defined as the time from the pylorus to the lesion as a percentage of the time from the pylorus to the ileocecal valve. Based on our previous retrospective evaluation, a cut-off value of 0.6 was adopted, and the oral or anal approach was selected when the index was < or = 0.6 or > 0.6, respectively.
Results: Data from 60 patients who underwent both VCE and DBE examinations and in whom the capsule reached the cecum were evaluated. Lesions shown on VCE were all reached by the first DBE procedures (41 orally and 19 anally). Based on the time index cut-off value of 0.6, the accuracy of selecting the insertion route of DBE was 100 %.
Conclusion: DBE is an effective approach for confirming VCE results. In patients with complete small-bowel investigation by VCE, the best insertion route for DBE can be reliably indicated using a time index based on the VCE records.
Copyright Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart. New York.