The human NUDT5 protein catalyzes the hydrolysis of 8-hydroxy-dGDP. To examine its substrate specificity, four oxidized deoxyribonucleotides (2-hydroxy-dADP, 8-hydroxy-dADP, 5-formyl-dUDP, and 5-hydroxy-dCDP) were incubated with the NUDT5 protein. Interestingly, all of the nucleotides, except for 5-hydroxy-dCDP, were hydrolyzed with various efficiencies. The kinetic parameters indicated that 8-hydroxy-dADP was hydrolyzed as efficiently as 8-hydroxy-dGDP. The hydrolyzing activities for their triphosphate counterparts were quite weak. These results suggest that the NUDT5 protein eliminates various oxidized deoxyribonucleoside diphosphates from the nucleotide pool and prevents their toxic effects.