Previous crystallographic studies of the AppA BLUF domain indicated that Trp104 is capable of undertaking alternate conformations depending on the length of the BLUF domain. A BLUF domain containing a C-terminal deletion (AppA1-126) reveals that Trp104 is partially solvent exposed while a BLUF domain containing a slightly longer carboxyl terminal region (AppA17-133) shows that Trp104 is deeply buried. This observation has led to a model proposing that Trp104 moves from a deeply buried position in the dark state to a solvent-exposed position in the light excited state. In this study we investigated whether there is indeed movement of Trp104 upon light excitation using a combination of NMR and absorption spectroscopy, steady-state fluorescence, and acrylamide quenching of tryptophan fluorescence. Our results indicate that AppA17-133 and AppA1-126 contain Trp104 in distinct alternate conformations in solution and that light absorption by the flavin causes partial movement/uncovering of Trp104. However, we conclude that light exposure does not cause dramatic change of Trp104 from "Trp-in" to "Trp-out" conformations (or vice versa) upon light absorption. These results do not support a model of Trp104 movement as a key output signal.