Tone detection and temporal gap detection thresholds were determined in CBA/CaJ mice using a Go/No-go procedure and the psychophysical method of constant stimuli. In the first experiment, audiograms were constructed for five CBA/CaJ mice. Thresholds were obtained for eight pure tones ranging in frequency from 1 to 42 kHz. Audiograms showed peak sensitivity between 8 and 24 kHz, with higher thresholds at lower and higher frequencies. In the second experiment, thresholds for gap detection in broadband and narrowband noise bursts were measured at several sensation levels. For broadband noise, gap thresholds were between 1 and 2 ms, except at very low sensation levels, where thresholds increased significantly. Gap thresholds also increased significantly for low pass-filtered noise bursts with a cutoff frequency below 18 kHz. Our experiments revised absolute auditory thresholds in the CBA/CaJ mouse strain and demonstrated excellent gap detection ability in the mouse. These results add to the baseline behavioral data from normal-hearing mice which have become increasingly important for assessing auditory abilities in genetically altered mice.