Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate how many patients with endometriosis have concomitant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and/or constipation according to the Rome III criteria. Furthermore, the value of an additional gastroenterological consultation with therapeutic advice was evaluated.
Method: Patients with proven endometriosis were included in a prospective, single-centre study. A questionnaire was undertaken regarding IBS and chronic constipation. Patients with symptoms consistent with the Rome III criteria for IBS were referred to our gastroenterological outpatient clinic.
Results: In total 101 patients were included. Endometriosis was diagnosed surgically in 97% and visually in the vagina in 3%. Fifteen per cent of the patients with endometriosis also had IBS and 14% of the patients with endometriosis had functional constipation without IBS. Of the 22 patients finally presenting to the gastroenterologist, five had a significant stenotic rectosigmoid lesion and were treated surgically. The remaining 17 patients were treated conservatively. Defecation symptoms improved in 86% and pain was reduced in 64%.
Conclusion: In patients with endometriosis, 29% also had IBS or constipation. Referral to a gastroenterologist resulted in improvement of defaecation in 86%, and 64% reported a reduction in the degree of pain.
© 2010 The Authors. Colorectal Disease © 2010 The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.