We hypothesize that application of an unopposed quadriceps force coupled with an impulsive ground reaction force may induce anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. This situation is similar to landing from a jump if only the quadriceps muscle is active; an unlikely but presumably dangerous circumstance. The purpose of this study was to test our hypothesis using in vitro simulation of jump landing. A jump-landing simulator was utilized. Nine cadaveric knees were tested at an initial flexion angle of 20 degrees . Each ACL was instrumented with a differential variable reluctance transducer (DVRT). Quadriceps pre-activation forces (QPFs) ranging from 25N to 700N were applied to each knee, followed by an impulsive ground reaction force produced by a carriage-mounted drop weight (7kg) that impulsively drove the ankle upward. ACL strain was monitored before landing due to application of QPF (pre-activation strain) and at landing due to application of the ground reaction force (landing strain). No ACLs were injured. Pre-activation strains exhibited a positive correlation with QPF (r=0.674, p<0.001) while landing strains showed a negative correlation (r=-0.235, p=0.032). Total ACL strain (pre-activation+landing strain) showed no correlation with QPF (r=0.023, p=0.428). Our findings indicate that elevated QPF increases pre-activation strain but reduces the landing strain and is therefore protective post-landing. Overall, there is a complete lack of correlation between "total" ACL strain and QPF suggesting that the total strain in the ACL is independent of the QPF under the simulated conditions.