Public participation in local government review of development proposals in hazardous locations: does it matter, and what do local government planners have to do with it?

Environ Manage. 2010 Feb;45(2):320-35. doi: 10.1007/s00267-009-9397-2.


Natural hazard investigators recommend that local governments adopt mitigation plans to help reduce hazard losses. However, such plans are unlikely to be effective unless a wide range of public stakeholders is involved in their creation. Previous research shows that stakeholder participation levels in hazard mitigation planning tend to be low, though there may be particular choices that local government planners can make to foster participation. We examine the importance of planners' choices and role orientations (i.e., beliefs regarding appropriate behavior in the workplace) for participation levels in site plan review, wherein local governments review site plans for proposed development projects to ensure compliance between project design and applicable plans and policies. Using a national sample of 65 development projects located in areas subject to natural hazards, and bivariate and multivariate analyses, we examine whether participation levels during site plan review depend upon planners' choices and role orientations, and whether participation levels are correlated with the incorporation of hazard mitigation techniques into development projects. We find significant correlations between participation levels and planners' choices, between participation levels and planner's role orientations, and between participation levels and the incorporation of hazard-mitigation techniques. We encourage local government planners to revisit their beliefs, choices, and behaviors regarding public participation in site plan review.

Publication types

  • Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.

MeSH terms

  • Community Participation*
  • Disaster Planning*
  • Local Government*