Purpose: To investigate retinal function and structure after recent-onset rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in relation to type of surgery.
Methods: Thirteen consecutive patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment of <7 days' duration underwent vitrectomy surgery. Optical coherence tomography, full-field electroretinography (ERG), and multifocal ERG were performed preoperatively and 6 months postoperatively. Results were compared with those from a similar cohort of patients that had been treated previously with scleral buckling surgery.
Results: Anatomic success was achieved in 10 patients, and follow-up was performed in 9. Similar to after scleral buckling surgery, multifocal ERG amplitudes in detached retina and fovea improved significantly at follow-up. Also similar to after scleral buckling surgery, full-field ERG rod function, combined rod-cone, and cone 30-Hz flicker amplitudes improved but significance was not reached. Full-field ERG responses remained reduced compared with normal. However, in contrast to after scleral buckling surgery, full-field ERG 30-Hz flicker implicit times were delayed at follow-up (P = 0.004), indicating a specific inner retinal dysfunction.
Conclusion: Previously not described, significant differences were seen in the pattern of regeneration of inner retinal function after vitrectomy compared with after scleral buckling surgery for recent-onset rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.