Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are the most effective anti-inflammatory agents for the management of chronic persistent asthma and are therefore recommended as first-line antiasthmatic therapy in children and adults. In various settings, the administration of ICS via nebulizer rather than hand-held inhaler (HHI) may have certain advantages, as many patients with HHI fail to use these devices properly or efficiently. In particular, young children, the elderly, the acutely ill, and those with restricted dexterity may be unable to coordinate inhalation with actuation of the device or to generate sufficient inspiratory flow to operate breath-actuated devices effectively. Compliance with nebulized therapy may also be better than that with a pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI) plus spacer. Systematic reviews conclude that there is no significant difference in clinical effects between nebulizers and HHI. Performance and clinical effect of nebulization are influenced by several technical aspects such as the nebulizer-drug combination, nebulizer type, output and lung deposition. Among the currently available ICS, nebulized beclometasone dipropionate (BDP) has been in clinical use for more than 35 years, and has demonstrated marked clinical efficacy and a favorable tolerability profile in children and adults with chronic persistent asthma. The clinical efficacy of nebulized beclometasone is discussed in the present review using data from 13 published studies, which included a total of 1250 patients. Three multicenter, randomized, double-blind studies showed that nebulized BDP is as effective as BDP via pMDI plus spacer in a 2:1 dose ratio. Controlled trials involving 497 adults and children demonstrated similar clinical efficacy between nebulized BDP and either nebulized fluticasone propionate or nebulized budesonide. In all these trials, treatment-related adverse effects were generally uncommon, most were mild-to-moderate in severity, and most were associated with the respiratory system. Meta-analyses show that BDP, like other inhaled corticosteroids, has no major influence on patient height, urinary cortisol concentration, or bone metabolism, thus suggesting the absence of growth retardation or any marked effect on adrenal function or the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis when used in the approved dose range. Overall, nebulized BDP appears to have a particularly important place in asthma therapy: as a general alternative to HHIs (e.g. in patients with poor HHI compliance); when patients such as children or the elderly are unable to operate HHIs because of poor hand-lung coordination, lack of cooperation, or low inspiratory flow rate; and when high dosages of ICS are required, such as in adults with severe, corticosteroid-dependent asthma.
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