Approximately 12 million women worldwide use the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (IUS), with approximately 180,000 users of this IUS currently reported in Austria. A patient satisfaction study of 591 women in Austria revealed a high number of 'very satisfied' (79%) and 'satisfied' (19%) patients. Reliability, comfort, excellent compatibility and less severe, shorter and less painful monthly periods were the most frequently named advantages of the levonorgestrel-releasing IUS. Medication-induced cervical priming before insertion can be carried out on a routine or selective basis (for example in nullipara, in women who have undergone cervical conisation or in women who have previously experienced painful insertion). There is, at present, no evidence of an increased rate of breast cancer through use of the levonorgestrel-releasing IUS. A directly comparative study with oral contraceptives in young nullipara showed excellent results for the levonorgestrel-releasing IUS, with no perforations, inflammation or pregnancies.