The authors describe an evolving outcomes project implemented across the adult inpatient programs at The Menninger Clinic. In the inpatient phase of the project, patients complete a computerized battery of standardized scales at admission, at biweekly intervals throughout treatment, and at discharge. In addition to providing aggregate data for outcomes research, these assessments are incorporated into routine clinical care, with results of each individual assessment provided to the treatment team and to the patient. The inpatient phase of the project employs Web-based software in preparation for a forthcoming follow-up phase in which patients will continue after discharge to complete assessments on the same computer platform. This article begins with a brief overview of related research at the Clinic to place the current project in local historical context. Then the authors describe the assessment instruments, the ways in which the assessments are integrated into clinical care, plans for follow-up assessments, the central role of information technology in the development and implementation of the project, the primary research questions, and some of the major challenges in implementing the project. The article concludes with a discussion of the ways in which the project can serve as a platform for a broad future research agenda.