The aim of this randomized controlled pilot study is to describe the effects of a physical training and nutritional intervention program on the physical activity level and activities of daily living (ADL) in frail elderly people. Ninety-six community-dwelling frail elderly people (58 women) above the age of 75 were included in the study. The 12-week physical and/or nutritional intervention program was followed by six months of home-based exercises for the training groups, followed up with training diaries. At baseline the subjects were screened for physical activity level, walking habits, and ADL. These measurements were repeated immediately after the intervention at 3 months, and at 2nd follow-up at 9 months. ADL data were also collected 24 months after baseline at 3rd follow-up. The intention-to-treat analyses showed an increase of the habitual physical activity level and walking duration at 1st follow-up for the two training groups compared to the other groups. These increases remained at 2nd follow-up. The nutrition intervention did not show any significant results. No significant effects on ADL were shown however, there were moderate correlations between increases in physical activity level and ADL as well as between the amounts of home-based exercises and ADL for the two training groups.
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