Study design: Randomized controlled trial.
Objectives: To compare the effects of wobble board exercises with and without feedback provided through integrating the wobble board movement into a computer game system, by comparing changes in postural stability and motivation.
Background: Therapeutic exergaming systems may offer a solution to poor adherence to postural control exercise regimes by improving motivation levels during exercise performance.
Methods: Twenty-two healthy adults, randomly assigned to an exergaming group (n = 11) and a control group (n = 11), completed 12 exercise sessions. Dynamic postural stability was quantified at baseline and follow-up using the star excursion balance test and the dynamic postural stability index during a jump-landing task. Intrinsic motivation was measured at baseline using the Self-Motivation Inventory and at follow-up using the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory.
Results: Star excursion balance test scores showed a statistically significant (P<.008) improvement in the posteromedial and posterolateral direction for both groups. No within-group change for the dynamic postural stability index or between-group difference for star excursion balance test or dynamic postural stability index scores were observed. The "interest and enjoyment" category of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory showed significantly higher scores (P<.001) in the exergaming group at follow-up, which was 1 of the 5 Intrinsic Motivation Inventory categories evaluated.
Conclusions: The findings suggest that exercising with the therapeutic exergaming system showed similar improvements in dynamic postural stability and showed a greater level of interest and enjoyment when compared to a group doing similar balance training without the game system.
Level of evidence: Therapy, level 2b.