Previous auditory perturbation studies have demonstrated that talkers spontaneously compensate for real-time formant-shifts by altering formant production in a manner opposite to the perturbation. Here, two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of amplitude of perturbation on the compensatory behavior for the vowel /epsilon/. In the first experiment, 20 male talkers received three step-changes in acoustic feedback: F1 was increased by 50, 100, and 200 Hz, while F2 was simultaneously decreased by 75, 125, and 250 Hz. In the second experiment, 21 male talkers received acoustic feedback in which the shifts in F1 and F2 were incremented by +4 and -5 Hz on each utterance to a maximum of +350 and -450 Hz, respectively. In both experiments, talkers altered production of F1 and F2 in a manner opposite to that of the formant-shift perturbation. Compensation was approximately 25%-30% of the perturbation magnitude for shifts in F1 and F2 up to 200 and 250 Hz, respectively. As larger shifts were applied, compensation reached a plateau and then decreased. The similarity of results across experiments suggests that the compensatory response is dependent on the perturbation magnitude but not on the rate at which the perturbation is introduced.