The latency to initiate a saccade (saccadic reaction time) to an eccentric target is reduced by extinguishing the fixation stimulus prior to the target onset. Various accounts have attributed this latency reduction (referred to as the gap effect) to facilitated sensory processing, oculomotor readiness, or attentional processes. Two experiments were performed to explore the relative contributions of these factors to the gap effect. Experiment 1 demonstrates that the reduction in saccadic reaction time (RT) produced by fixation point offset is additive with the effect of target luminance. Experiment 2 indicates that the gap effect is specific for saccades directed toward a peripheral target and does not influence saccades directed away from the target (i.e., antisaccades) or choice-manual RT. The results are consistent with an interpretation of the gap effect in terms of facilitated premotor processing in the superior colliculus.