Objectives: Burnout is a state of work-related emotional and physical exhaustion. Burnout is related to sleep complaints. By contrast, people with optimistic attitude seem to be less vulnerable to stress and burnout. Therefore, the present study aimed at investigating the relation between burnout, depressive symptoms, satisfaction with life, and sleep complaints.
Methods: A total of 2231 participants (age [years]: M=40.8; 1183 females and 1048 males) took part in the study. Participants completed a series of questionnaires such as the Tedium Measure, the Insomnia Severity Index, and the Satisfaction with Life-questionnaire. For statistical analyses, a Structural Equation Model (SEM) was applied.
Results: Pessimism, emotional and physical exhaustion, depressive symptoms, and low satisfaction with life were interrelated. Emotional and physical exhaustion was related to sleep complaints, whereas sleep complaints were not related to depressive symptoms and pessimism. Satisfaction with life was related to low sleep complaints, though mediated via low emotional and physical exhaustion, and low pessimism.
Conclusions: Results suggest that among burnout symptoms emotional and physical exhaustion, but not depressive symptoms, are related to sleep complaints. Satisfaction with life, via low emotional and physical exhaustion, and low pessimism, further contributes to favourable sleep.