This study looks at the effectiveness of using a secure email system linked to an electronic health record to send reminders to patients in an effort to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates; 1397 subjects were randomized to receive usual care, a letter reminder or an email reminder which invited patients to pick up a fecal occult blood test at the lab for CRC screening. The number of completed CRC screenings was tallied after a 3 month study period. Rates of CRC screening in the 3 groups were 7.8% in the usual care group, 23.6% in the letter reminder group and 22.7% in the email group. Significant statistical difference was seen between usual care group and letter reminders (p<0.0005) and between usual care and email reminders (p<0.0005) but not between the letter reminders and the email reminders (p=7.11). Email reminders are as effective as letter reminders in increasing CRC screening rates.