A major type of unwanted cells that accumulate in aging are anergic cytotoxic T cells. These cells often have virus-specific T cell receptors, as well as other surface markers that distinguish them from their youthful counterparts, and they are thought to play a major role in the decline of the immune system with age. Here we consider two surface markers thought to define these cells in mice, CD8 and Killer cell lectin-like receptor G1 (KLRG1), and a means we developed to remove these cells from the blood of aged C57BL/6 mice. Using antibodies with magnetic nanoparticles linked to their Fc domains, we first developed a method to use magnets to filter out the unwanted cells from the blood and later constructed a device that does this automatically. We demonstrated that this device could reduce the KLRG1-positive CD8 cell count in aged mouse blood by a factor of 7.3 relative to the total CD8 cell compartment, reaching a level typically seen only in very young animals.