Methods: Parameters of spirometry, body plethysmography, and pulmonary diffusion capacity were measured in 46 patients (age 35-60 years, 40 men, 6 women) with stage I-II hypertensive disease (HD) without bronchial and pulmonary diseases, systolic dysfunction of left ventricular myocardium, obesity, current or past smoking.
Results: Increase of severity of HD and elevation of average values of arterial pressure (AP) was associated with mixed type worsening of parameters of pulmonary ventilation capacity. Negative correlations existed between parameters of 24 hour arterial pressure monitoring and spirometry. Progression of microalbuminuria and endothelial dysfunction was associated with lowering of pulmonary vital capacity, alveolar volume, and diffusion capacity.
Conclusion: The data presented allow to suggest that lungs can stand as target organ in hypertensive disease.