Although screening for maternal toxoplasmic seroconversion during pregnancy is based on immunodiagnostic assays, the diagnosis of clinically relevant toxoplasmosis greatly relies upon molecular methods. A problem is that this molecular diagnosis is subject to variation of performances, mainly due to a large diversity of PCR methods and primers and the lack of standardization. The present multicentric prospective study, involving eight laboratories proficient in the molecular prenatal diagnosis of toxoplasmosis, was a first step toward the harmonization of this diagnosis among university hospitals in France. Its aim was to compare the analytical performances of different PCR protocols used for Toxoplasma detection. Each center extracted the same concentrated Toxoplasma gondii suspension and tested serial dilutions of the DNA using its own assays. Differences in analytical sensitivities were observed between assays, particularly at low parasite concentrations (<or=2 T. gondii genomes per reaction tube), with "performance scores" differing by a 20-fold factor among laboratories. Our data stress the fact that differences do exist in the performances of molecular assays in spite of expertise in the matter; we propose that laboratories work toward a detection threshold defined for a best sensitivity of this diagnosis. Moreover, on the one hand, intralaboratory comparisons confirmed previous studies showing that rep529 is a more adequate DNA target for this diagnosis than the widely used B1 gene. But, on the other hand, interlaboratory comparisons showed differences that appear independent of the target, primers, or technology and that hence rely essentially on proficiency and care in the optimization of PCR conditions.