A chemically modified, amorphous beta-cyclodextrin, namely, 2-hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPCD), was examined as a solubilizing and stabilizing agent for protein drugs. The aqueous solubility of ovine growth hormone at pH 7.4 was increased through the use of HPCD. This effect was manifested by higher UV transparency at 600 nm. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is rendered insoluble upon lyophilization in the absence of stabilizers. Use of aqueous HPCD provides a clear solution, as indicated by fluorometric light scattering, and inhibits aggregate formation, as shown by ultracentrifugation and Western blot analyses. In addition, there were no major conformational changes of IL-2 in HPCD formulation as indicated by fourth-derivative ultraviolet spectroscopy. Finally, IL-2 retained 100% of its biopotency when prepared in HPCD solutions. Aggregation of insulin was also suppressed by HPCD. These data, as well as the i.v. safety of HPCD and its well-characterized chemical composition, suggest that this starch derivative may be a potentially useful excipient for protein drugs intended for parenteral use.