Among malignant tumors of the heart, primary malignant lymphomas are unusual and they are typically non-Hodgkin's B-cell cancers. A 73-year-old man affected by non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) treated with four cycle of chemotherapy and radiotherapy was admitted to the Emergency Department for chest pain. Echocardiography showed a mass inside the right ventricle obstructing blood outflow in the pulmonary artery. The ECG-gated angio-multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) examination confirmed a solid mass in the right ventricle encasing the proximal-middle tract of the right coronary artery (RCA); RCA stenosis was confirmed by coronary angiography. After trans-thoracic CT-guided biopsy the mass was characterized as a recurrence of NHL and the patient started a new cycle of chemotherapy. After 15 days a MDCT exam showed both mass reduction and absence of RCA significant stenosis. MDCT imaging allows an accurate assessment of tumour extension and it represents an useful guide during biopsy procedures, necessary for a precise histological characterization of neoplasms.