Anti-SOX1 antibodies have been described to be positive in patients with paraneoplastic Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome and, in a lower amount, in patients with anti-Hu positive paraneoplastic neurological syndromes, and with SCLC alone, respectively. We found 5/32 patients with paraneoplastic neuropathy and, surprisingly, 4/22 patients with neuropathy of unknown origin positive for anti-SOX1 antibodies, whereas no patient with inflammatory neuropathy and no healthy controls showed any reactivity (p=0.007). All patients with neuropathy of unknown origin where followed up for four years without diagnosis of a tumour so far. Anti-SOX1 antibodies are associated with paraneoplastic neuropathies and may define another group of non-paraneoplastic, immune-mediated neuropathies.
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