Lipid peroxide has been highlighted as a possible marker of cell destruction by oxygen derived free radical reactions. We, therefore, examined serum lipid peroxides, malondialdehydes (MDA) in 106 healthy full term neonates (aged 0.5 to 317 hrs, averaged 79.3 +/- 69.9 hrs). Their lipid peroxides in capillary blood were determined by the luminescence method (Yagi method). Based on our data, we conclude as follows: 1) MDA concentrations were influenced by the serum bilirubin concentrations. We, therefore, adjusted our data according to the serum bilirubin concentrations. 2) We found significantly higher values of MDA (4.76 +/- 1.35 than those in adult (3.12 +/- 0.35 In fact, these values increased gradually on the second day, and the high values were maintained until the fifth day. 3) The values of MDA and total bilirubin concentrations in the vaginally delivered neonates were significantly higher than those delivered by Cesarean section (P less than 0.05). 4) There were no correlations between the values of MDA and values of other serum lipid and bilirubin.