Aim: To examine the effects of supervised aerobic exercise training on serum adiponectin and lipids, including triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoproteins, in moderate dyslipidemic subjects.
Methods: Twenty-five dyslipidemic patients [mean body mass index (BMI)=24.6 kg/m²; mean age= 39 years; mean total cholesterol=226 mg/dL; mean TG=149 mg/dL] without metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hypertension underwent supervised aerobic exercise training (60 min/day, 2 to 3 times/week) at an intensity of 60-80% of age-predicted maximal heart rate for 16 weeks. Lipoprotein cholesterol levels were measured by our established anion-exchange HPLC method.
Results: Aerobic exercise training significantly decreased BMI, cholesterol levels of LDL- and IDL-, and markedly reduced VLDL-cholesterol at week 8 (-45%) and week 16 (-50%), but changes in TG and HDL-cholesterol were not significant. Adiponectin significantly increased by 51% and HOMA-R was significantly decreased at week 16, although changes in these parameters were not significant at week 8. There was no significant relationship between changes in adiponectin and in VLDL- or IDL- cholesterol, but changes in adiponectin were inversely but insignificantly associated with changes in BMI (r=-0.343, p=0.095).
Conclusions: These results suggest that supervised aerobic exercise training two to three times/week in the presence of body weight loss increases serum adiponectin with an improved lipid profile and insulin sensitivity at week 16 in non-obese moderate dyslipidemic patients, and that VLDL-cholesterol is markedly decreased by supervised aerobic exercise training.