A community-based health education analysis of an infectous disease control program in Nigeria

Int Q Community Health Educ. 1987 Jan 1;8(3):263-79. doi: 10.2190/VF7P-XDQ1-JN51-PTYL.


This descriptive study utilized the strategy of primary health care in program development-especially a community-based health education intervention approach-in the control of guinea-worm in rural communities of Nigeria. Two closely related rural communities in two states served as target groups. Committee system approach, nominal group process, interview methods, audio-visual aids, and health care volunteer trainingship were the educational strategies employed in a control and experimental set up. The PRECEDE model was applied in the analysis. Results show a significant control action on guinea-worm infestation in the experimental community and a tremendous achievement in preventive health education interventions through organized community participation/involvement and ultimate self-reliance and individual responsibility. A positive increase in health knowledge and attitude examined through interview method, and observable changes in health behavior were noticed. Wells were provided, drinking water treated, while personal and community health promotion strategies were encouraged by all. The study has shown the effectiveness/efficacy of a community-based effort facilitated by a health educator.