Background: Patients suffering from chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIIPO) clearly benefit from home parenteral nutrition (HPN) to maintain adequate nutritional status and general health. But intestinal dismotility can seriously disturb their quality of life (QOL) to the point of making it intolerable.
Aim: Report our clinical experience on the management of chronic severe occlusive symptoms in CIIPO by near total small bowel resection.
Methods: A 20-year retrospective study of eight patients with end-stage CIIPO maintained on HPN and suffering of chronic occlusive symptoms refractory to medical treatment underwent extensive small bowel resection preserving less than 70 cm of total small bowel and less than 20 cm of ileum. The jejunum was anastomosed either to the ileum or to the colon.
Results: Six patients were completely relieved from obstructive symptoms. Two patients needed a second operation to remove the residual ileum because of recurrent symptoms. Two were significantly improved. There was no post-operative death. All patients experienced a significant improvement in their QOL.
Conclusion: Near total small bowel resection appears to be a safe and effective procedure in end-stage CIIPO patients, refractory to optimal medical treatment.