One of the two primary classes of models of grid cell spatial firing uses interference between oscillators at dynamically modulated frequencies. Generally, these models are presented in terms of idealized oscillators (modeled as sinusoids), which differ from biological oscillators in multiple important ways. Here we show that two more realistic, noisy neural models (Izhikevich's simple model and a biophysical model of an entorhinal cortex stellate cell) can be successfully used as oscillators in a model of this type. When additive noise is included in the models such that uncoupled or sparsely coupled cells show realistic interspike interval variance, both synaptic and gap-junction coupling can synchronize networks of cells to produce comparatively less variable network-level oscillations. We show that the frequency of these oscillatory networks can be controlled sufficiently well to produce stable grid cell spatial firing on the order of at least 2-5 min, despite the high noise level. Our results suggest that the basic principles of oscillatory interference models work with more realistic models of noisy neurons. Nevertheless, a number of simplifications were still made and future work should examine increasingly realistic models.