Background: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a leading cause of pre-hospital mortality. Chest compressions performed during cardiopulmonary resuscitation aim to provide adequate perfusion to the vital organs during cardiac arrest. Poor resuscitation technique and the quality of pre-hospital CPR influences outcome from OHCA. Transthoracic impedance (TTI) measurement is a useful tool in the assessment of the quality of pre-hospital resuscitation by ambulance crews but TTI telemetry has not yet been performed in the United Kingdom. We describe a pilot study to implement a data network to collect defibrillator TTI data via telemetry from ambulances.
Methods: Prospective, observational pilot study over a 5-month period. Modems were fitted to 40 defibrillators on ambulances based in Edinburgh. TTI data was sent to a receiving computer after resuscitation attempts for OHCA.
Results: 58 TTI traces were transmitted during the pilot period. Compliance with the telemetry system was high. The mean ratio of chest compressions was 73% (95% CI 69-77%), the mean chest compression rate was 128 (95% CI 122-134). The mean time interval from chest compression interruption to shock delivery was 27 s (95% CI 22-32 s).
Conclusion: Trans-thoracic impedance analysis is an effective means of recording important measures of resuscitation quality including the hands-on-the-chest time, compression rate and defibrillation interval time. TTI data transmission via telemetry is straightforward, efficient and allows resuscitation data to be captured and analysed from a large geographical area. Further research is warranted on the impact of post-resuscitation reporting on the quality of resuscitation delivered by ambulance crews.
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