We have previously purified smg p21 from bovine brain membranes and isolated its cDNA from a bovine brain cDNA library. In the present studies, we have performed extensive screening of the bovine brain cDNA library with the cloned smg p21 cDNA as a probe and isolated another cDNA encoding a protein highly homologous to smg p21. The proteins encoded by the previously and newly isolated cDNAs are designated as smg p21A and -B, respectively. Since the partial amino acid sequences determined previously from the smg p21 purified from bovine brain were identical with the common amino acid sequences between smg p21A and -B, we have further sequenced smg p21 and identified it as smg p21B. We have also further sequenced the smg p21 purified from human platelet membranes and identified it as smg p21B. Amino acid sequence analysis indicates that smg p21A is identical with the rap1A and Krev-1 proteins and smg p21B is identical with the rap1B protein.