Short-term memory in mice is affected by mobile phone radiation

Pathophysiology. 2011 Jun;18(3):193-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pathophys.2010.11.001. Epub 2010 Nov 26.


The effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields (EMFs) were studied on a non-spatial memory task (Object Recognition Task - ORT) that requires entorhinal cortex function. The task was applied to three groups of mice Mus musculus C57BL/6 (exposed, sham-exposed and control) combined with 3 different radiation exposure protocols. In the first protocol designated "acute exposure", mice 45 days old (PND45 - postnatal day 45) were exposed to mobile phone (MP) radiation (SAR value 0.22W/kg) during the habituation, the training and the test sessions of the ORT, but not during the 10min inter-trial interval (ITI) where consolidation of stored object information takes place. On the second protocol designated "chronic exposure-I", the same mice were exposed for 17 days for 90min/per day starting at PND55 to the same MP radiation. ORT recognition memory was performed at PND72 with radiation present only during the ITI phase. In the third protocol designated "chronic exposure-II", mice continued to be exposed daily under the same conditions up to PND86 having received radiation for 31 days. One day later the ORT test was performed without irradiation present in any of the sessions. The ORT-derived discrimination indices in all three exposure protocols revealed a major effect on the "chronic exposure-I" suggesting a possible severe interaction of EMF with the consolidation phase of recognition memory processes. This may imply that the primary EMF target may be the information transfer pathway connecting the entorhinal-parahippocampal regions which participate in the ORT memory task.