An attempt was made to estimate pharmaceutical availability of the components of dry extract of bearberry from model dermatological preparations of skin-bleaching activity. Formulations containing in their composition dry extract of bearberry were produced for this purpose. The preparations were produced on the base of two kinds of Carbopol: Carbopol Ultrez 10, Carbopol 980. Physicochemical properties of the produced preparations were tested. Viscosity parameters were determined using digital cone-plate rheometer. Gravimetric method was used to estimate the kinetics of volatile components from the preparations. Potentiometric method was applied to measure pH of the produced hydrogels. The rate of release of the dry extract components through a semipermeable membrane to the acceptor fluid was tested in vitro. Spectrophotometric method was used to determine the amount of released therapeutic substance at defined time intervals. The obtained results indicate that the kind of the applied gelating substance has a significant influence on rheological parameters and on the process of release of therapeutic substances from model hydrogels. The formulation with dry extract of bearberry on Carbopol Ultrez 10 base demonstrates higher value of the area under the curve of therapeutic substances release to acceptor fluid than the formulation produced on Carbopol 980 base. Also more beneficial rheological parameters of application were obtained for formulation F1-M (lower value of structural viscosity and yield stress). The suggested model formulations with dry extract ofbearberry of confirmed skin-bleaching effect may be the base for offering a new line of dermatological preparations applied in the treatment of melanoderma.