Objective: To report clinical signs and management of hypospadias in a horse.
Study design: Clinical report.
Animal: A 6-year-old, Friesian gelding.
Methods: Partial phallectomy was performed to resolve contact dermatitis of the pelvic limbs and abnormal behavior during urination. Subsequent urethral meatal stenosis was treated by revision.
Results: Hypospadias and chordee caused altered direction of urine flow, contact dermatitis of the pelvic limbs, and abnormal behavior. Partial phallectomy and subsequent revision after meatal stenosis resolved urine direction, flow and abnormal behavior.
Conclusions: Abnormalities of the urinary tract associated with hypospadias can result in urine-induced, contact dermatitis and distress during urination, but these complications can be resolved by partial phallectomy.
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