Background: In vitro data indicate quercetin has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory functions with the potential to lower disease risk factors, but data in human beings are limited.
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of quercetin, vitamin C, and niacin supplements (500 mg quercetin, 125 mg vitamin C, and 5 mg niacin [Q-500]; 1,000 mg quercetin, 250 mg vitamin C, and 10 mg niacin [Q-1,000]), on disease risk factors in a large group of community adults (n=1,002, 60% women) varying widely in age and body mass index.
Design: Subjects were randomized into one of three groups (placebo, Q-500, or Q-1,000) and ingested supplements for 12 weeks. Blood samples were taken pre- and postsupplementation, and plasma quercetin, inflammatory markers (ie, C-reactive protein and five cytokines), diagnostic blood chemistries, blood pressure, and blood lipid profiles were measured.
Results: Plasma quercetin increased in the Q-500 and Q-1,000 groups. No differences in blood chemistries were found except for a small decrease in serum creatinine and increase in glomerular filtration rate in Q-500 and Q-1,000 groups. A small decrease in mean arterial blood pressure was measured for Q-500 and Q-1,000 groups compared to placebo. A difference in serum total cholesterol was measured between Q-500 and placebo groups, and there was small decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the Q-1,000 group. Change in inflammatory measures did not differ between groups except for a slight decrease in interleukin-6 for the Q-1,000 group.
Conclusions: Q-500 or Q-1,000 supplementation for 12 weeks had a negligible influence on disease risk factors.
Copyright © 2011 American Dietetic Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.