Changes in the Normal Cellular Architecture in the Prostatic Tissue with the Increasing age

Int J Health Sci (Qassim). 2008 Jul;2(2):171-8.


The frequency of the prostate disorders has been on the increase and disorders such as prostatitis, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatic Cancer have been on the rise. This study involved 60 cases which were further subdivided into various age groups. Study was based on the microscopic examination of prostatic tissue with individual tissues of different age groups. The microscopic examination of prostatic tissue of different age groups showed that the prostate tissue in contrast to other organs shows hyperplasia instead of atrophy and that as the age increases there is more proliferation of fibro- musculo glandular tissue producing increase in the size of prostate which manifests itself in the form of Benign Hyperplasia of Prostate. In certain Unfortunate conditions there is profound increase in the glandular element progressing to latent carcinoma of prostate and then to full fledged Carcinoma. A need for urgent readressal to the patient's complaints as well as the importance of biopsy and histopathological examination of the tissue is important in the management of the problem. The histopathological examination can aid the physician/Surgeon to give the exact details about the possibility of cure, Effective therapy, and staging and most importantly the prognosis of the patients' condition. In conclusion, there is change in the normal cellular architecture with the increasing age in the prostatic tissue.