[Nuclear Medicine in Germany. Key data from official statistics]

Nuklearmedizin. 2011;50(2):53-67. doi: 10.3413/Nukmed-0380-11-01.
[Article in German]


Aim: To explain the spectrum and number of in-vivo nuclear medicine examinations and therapies based on official statistics about out-patient and in-patient care. Trends in time of the frequency and spectrum of procedures as well as data on the health care structure for nuclear medicine in Germany should be collected.

Methods: Data from the Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes, from the frequency statistics of the statutory health insurance for out-patients and from the Bundesärztekammer were used. Customized queries were performed to analyse temporal changes.

Results: Nuclear medicine physicians are more frequently consulted by out-patients over the last years (2008: 2024498; 2009: 2164664) and the number of colleagues in private practice increased. For in-patients, the frequency of conventional nuclear medicine procedures (mainly for brain, lymphatic system, lung and heart) increased since 2008 after a decline in previous years (2009: 323515; +4.6%) and the number of PET(/CT) examinations continued to rise (2009: 25123; +18%), even if changes in OPS keys may hamper comparisons. Nearly 600 gamma cameras and 76 PET(/CT) scanners were installed in hospitals in 2008. Nuclear medicine procedures are increasingly performed as cross sectional imaging like SPECT(/CT) and PET(/CT). With the supply shortfall with 99Mo, the frequency of thyroid scans with 123I iodine increased as well as the use of 18F PET as a substitute for conventional bone scans. The number of radionuclide therapies, in particular non-thyroid treatments, increased since the mid-nineties and stabilized at nearly 50000 cases per year with shorter lengths of stay.

Conclusion: The details of the present analysis may help to understand the positive evolution of key numbers for nuclear medicine.

MeSH terms

  • Ambulatory Care / statistics & numerical data*
  • Germany
  • Hospitalization / statistics & numerical data*
  • Nuclear Medicine Department, Hospital / statistics & numerical data*
  • Radionuclide Imaging / statistics & numerical data*
  • Radiotherapy / statistics & numerical data*
  • Referral and Consultation / statistics & numerical data*