Shaping the ferroelectric domains as waveguide, grating, lens, and prism are key to the successful penetration of periodically-poled ferroelectrics on various wavelength conversion applications. The complicated structures are, however, difficult to be fully characterized, especially the unexpected index contrast at the anti-parallel domain boundaries are typical in the order of 10(-4) or less. An ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography was employed to fully characterize the domain boundary and structure properties of a periodically-poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide with an axial resolution of 0.68 μm, an transversal resolution of 3.2 μm, and an index contrast sensitivity of 4x10(-7). The anti-parallel domain uniformity can clearly be seen non-invasively. Dispersion of the ferroelectric material was also obtained from 500 to 750 nm.
© 2011 Optical Society of America