A simplified estimator of two and four gene relationship coefficients

Mol Ecol Resour. 2010 Nov;10(6):986-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02840.x.


Molecular marker data provide a means of circumventing the problem of not knowing the population structure of a natural population, as observed similarities between a pair's genotypes provide information on their genetic relationship. Numerous method-of-moment (MOM) estimators have been developed for estimating relationship coefficients using this information. Here, I present a simplified form of Wang's 2002 relationship estimator that is not dependent upon a previously required weighting scheme, thus improving the efficiency of the estimator when used with genuinely related pairs. The new estimator is compared against other estimators under a range of conditions, including situations where the parameter estimates are truncated to lie within the legitimate parameter space. The advantages of the new estimator are most notable for the two-gene coefficient of relatedness. Truncating the MOM estimators results in parameter estimates whose properties are similar to maximum likelihood estimates, with them having generally lower sampling variances, but being biased.