
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2009 Apr 2;65(Pt 5):o956. doi: 10.1107/S160053680901109X.


The title compound, C(16)H(34)N(2), is a chiral diamine with fixed R configuration at both stereogenic carbon centres of the cyclo-hexane backbone. Due to their different substituents, the two N atoms also become stereogenic. In the crystal structure, the configuration at one of the two nitro-gen centres is fixed, with the free electron pair pointing inward and the isobutyl group in a trans position towards the cyclo-hexane backbone resulting in an R configuration. The isobutyl group at the second N atom, however, is disordered with 75% S configuration and 25% R configuration. In both cases, the isobutyl group is arranged in a trans position towards the cyclo-hexane backbone.