
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Sep 11;66(Pt 10):o2525-6. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810034641.


The title compound, C(14)H(18)O(4), was obtained unintentionally as the major product of an attempted synthesis of (E,E)-2,5-bis-[2-(2,4,6-trimeth-oxy-phen-yl)ethen-yl]pyrazine. The crystal packing features layers based on two weak C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds involving the O atom of the carbonyl group and two O(meth-oxy)⋯C(meth-oxy) inter-actions [3.109 (2) Å]. The sheets are inter-connected via meth-oxy-meth-oxy dimers and C-H⋯π inter-actions.