
Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online. 2010 Jul 17;66(Pt 8):o2048. doi: 10.1107/S1600536810027698.


A folded conformation is found for the title compound, C(15)H(16)N(2)O(3)S, whereby the benzene rings come into close proximity [centroid-centroid distance = 4.0357 (12) Å and the dihedral angle between them = 24.37 (10)°]. The amide group is coplanar with the benzene ring to which it is bound [C-C-N-C torsion angle = 11.1 (3)°]. In the crystal packing, two-dimensional arrays in the (101) plane are formed via N-H⋯O hydrogen bonding.