Introduction: Innovation in technology has resulted in the emergence of better, longer-lasting hyaluronic acid implants with fewer side effects. The new dermal implant Uma Jeunesse® was compared to Juvéderm® in this split-face study.
Methods: Uma Jeunesse® is crosslinked with butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDE) using a new crosslinking technology. Uma Jeunesse® and Juvéderm® Ultra 3 were injected in a split-face study on 17 healthy volunteers, whose ages ranged from 33-58 years. There were 14 women and three men with medium to deep nasolabial folds. All subjects randomly received either Uma Jeunesse® or Juvéderm®) Ultra 3 on one half of their face. Patients were followed up for 9 months.
Results: Juvéderm® was easier to inject with lesser injection pain because of lidocaine, but late postinjection pain was much less with Uma Jeunesse® as compared to Juvéderm®. Overall rate of early and late complications as well as adverse events was lower with Uma Jeunesse® than Juvéderm(®) . After 9 months of follow-up, Uma Jeunesse® lasted in tissues for longer as compared to Juvéderm(®) even in patients injected for the first time (P<0.0001). Patient acceptability rate of Uma Jeunesse® was also much higher. Perception of pain during injection was lesser with Juvéderm® probably because of the presence of lidocaine.
Conclusion: The new dermal implant Uma Jeunesse® is a safe and patient-friendly product which resides in the tissues for longer with maintenance of aesthetic effect over and beyond 6 months, reaching 9 months in over 80% of patients, and Juvéderm® injection is less painful.
© 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.