Introduction: Within a study evaluating the redesigned AMS 700MS inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) (American Medical Systems, Minnetonka, MN, USA), one site used new length measurement technique (NLMT), a more aggressive dilation and measurement of the corpora cavernosa on a stretched penis, to address penile shortening.
Aim: To compare cylinder size and patient satisfaction, between a NLMT and traditional sizing for IPP implantation.
Methods: Fourteen men received IPPs using NLMT, and 55 with traditional sizing. Nationwide sales data from 2005 to 2008 for AMS 700 IPPs was obtained from AMS for comparison; additional surveys captured patient satisfaction.
Main outcome measure: Demographic data, cylinder sizes, and patient satisfaction were compared between the NLMT and standard techniques.
Results: The Fisher's exact test (P<0.001) showed a significant difference between the cylinder sizes with NLMT as compared with standard techniques. Of the 14 NLMT patients, 71.4% (10) received cylinders>21 cm long and 28.6% (4) received cylinders<21 cm long, as compared with 12.7% (7) and 87.3% (48), respectively, for patients implanted by traditional techniques. There were ethnic differences between the samples: 42.9% (6) NLMT patients were of African-American descent, as compared with 10.9% (6) in the standard technique group. However, longer cylinders were utilized more often, with 83.3% (5) of African-Americans treated using the NLMT; as compared with 33.3% (2) of the standard technique group. Nationwide data reveal 12.3% of patients routinely receive 21 cm cylinders. At 6 months postimplantation, patient satisfaction with NLMT was no different than standard techniques. There were no distal erosions, complications, infections, or pain concerns reported through 24 months among the NLMT patients.
Conclusions: The NLMT resulted in a larger number of subjects implanted with larger cylinders. Satisfaction with performance and complication rates for NLMT patients was comparable to those implanted using standard techniques.
© 2011 International Society for Sexual Medicine.